Six Sigma Tools for Patient Safety in Rad Onc

Six sigma originated as a set of practices designed to improve manufacturing processes and eliminate defects. It applications, over time, have extended to radiation oncology. This article published in Practical Radiation Oncology1 looks at establishing the principles of six sigma to improve patient safety in a paperless environment at multiple radiation oncology sites.

The article describes the use of metrics in reducing patient safety risk. Methodologies used to redesign process, proactively eliminate errors, and correct system weaknesses include failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), a no-fly policy, and root cause analysis (RCA).2

The article explains how a mapping of process is used to outline steps in the entire patient treatment flow. Rules and tasks were formulated to create procedural steps. Conformance to processes are measured and analyzed.3

The article concludes by stating principles of six sigma work in reducing patient safety risk. In addition, six sigma improves efficiency in work and quality processes.4

1,2,3,4Kapur A, Potters L. Six sigma tools for a patient safety-oriented, quality-checklist driven radiation medicine department. Article in press:Prac Radiat Oncol. 2011




MERP helps facilitate a safety culture where greater attention is directed at confirming that detailed processes are performed correctly by referencing various standards, recommendations, and regulations.

MERP provides a methodology to measure performance against benchmark standards of practice.


Radiation oncology is an exceedingly complicated system where accidents happen. Any single error, combination, and propagation of errors in radiation oncology can negatively impact patient outcomes.  An error reduction program helps institutions minimize risk to patients and health care workers.

MERP is a medical error reduction software program specifically designed to help minimize errors, improve performance, reduce cost, lessen liability, decrease regulatory infractions, and positively contribute to patient outcomes in the radiation oncology treatment delivery process. 


Ineffective error management can lead to reduced quality, increased inefficiency, and increased legal and/or regulatory liabilities.

MERP is a powerful tool for implementing proactive risk reduction through error analysis and action plans. MERP facilitates a comprehensive approach to improving patient safety through the reduction of preventable systems-related errors.